Upcoming Trade Shows

Come Meet Timber Croc in 2024

We'll be at the following trade shows in 2024 and would love to show you our log holders in action!

The British Shooting Show

Feb 23rd - Feb 25th 2024

Royal Bath and West Show

May 30th - June 1st 2024

Royal Cornwall Show

June 6th - June 8th 2024

Cork Summer Show

June 15th - June 16th 2024

Royal Highland Show

June 20th - June 23rd 2024

Scottish Game Fair Show

July 5th - July 7th 2024

Great Yorkshire Show

July 9th - July 12th 2024

Royal Welsh Show

July 22nd - July 25th

Tullamore Show

August 11th 2024

National Ploughing Championships

Sept 17th - Sept 19th 2024 (2 Stands)